Evercore Wealth Mgt.

Evercore Wealth Mgt.

Evercore Wealth Mgt. Custom WordPress Site Built in WordPress by LucidCircus from a design by the Iridium Group.This project required WordPress implementation, PHP and JQuery coding.


HBO Interactive Content We developed a fully optimized interactive micro-site, including image effects, detailed promotions and contests, and a multi-level Ship On The Sea navigation game for HBO’s premier of Pirates of the...


Tag-Z CMS / E-Commerce Magento based E-Commerce solution for a dog tag maker and retailer.  The focus was on a custom designed and developed dog tag maker to allow shoppers to see the finished product online before ordering.  Shop is also synced to Amazon and eBay....
Cohn Reznick

Cohn Reznick

Cohn Reznick CMS / Interactive Map The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program provides tax credits for new private sector investment in economically distressed communities by certified Community Development Entities (CDEs). This easy to use mapping tool can help you...
OZ Moving

OZ Moving

OZ Moving Website Development LucidCircus has been continuously enhancing the Oz Moving website with new features and updates since the site was redesigned and built in 2014 by O3 World.